Tuesday, February 15, 2011

rebound pounds

Recently, I've noticed a pattern. I lose a pound or two, breaking new ground, and the next day BOOM! I've gained 1-2 pounds.

I'm not celebrating my loss, or doing anything different. It's a little strange, almost like a natural yo-yo my body is doing. It takes a couple days to get those of, and I sort of stall for a day or two, then suddenly I break new ground again.

The first time this happened, I panicked. What had I done wrong the day before to make me gain three pounds? Only to wake up the next day and have lost half, followed by the remainder the following day. Then I broke new ground again.

The second time it happened, I'll admit, I was upset again. I evaluated everything I had done. Questioned salt, water, sweets. It's enough to make you cry with frustration.The third time it happened though, I had been perfect. And then I knew...

While it still annoys me to see those pounds reappear so quickly, I know that if I keep doing the right thing, the drop off again pretty fast. Then I can start moving forward again.

Does this happen to anyone else?


  1. I find that as I get older my body responds differently to the way I eat and exercise. Like in my case, if I overeat one day I don't see it on the scale the following day but instead on the day after that. It's like my body takes longer to process things nowadays. But you, being such a young whipper-snapper, will not see this issue for many years to come. :)

  2. Mel, I often find that is the case. That the next day I weigh and think, whew! And I'm really good, then the following day it hits. But what comes on, does come off, with a lil effort!
